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Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's Time to Make a Change

A blender is a necessity at my house. I make a lot of thick protein-packed smoothies and lots of thick milk shakes for my grandkids when they come to town. The blender gets a good work-out. I've gone through several because I always bought the lower-priced version -- thinking it would do, but after a few weeks or months, the machine just can't take the work-out it was not intended for, and, like the others, it sees its last days. Last week, I was making one of those yummy thick shakes for my granddaughter, and once again, the blender broke. This time I got the message loud and clear -- "CHANGE". Pay a little more and get one that will last. It took several trips around the same mountain of purchase cheap-o -- cheap-o breaks -- and REPEAT, before I got it. BUT, this time, I decided to bite the bullet and pay triple the cost of the ones I'd purchased before. To my wonder and amazement, when I made my protein smoothie this morning, my turbo charged, 700 watt, stainless-steel blade, wonder machine made the smoothie without labor and in 1/4 time it usually did before. I scolded myself for waiting so long to make the CHANGE.

I thought about Albert Einstein's famous quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." It’s easy to cozy up to the comfort of traditional ways of doing things. It’s easy to find excuses about why things can’t be different. But the thing is, if we keep doing things the way we’ve always done things, we’ll keep getting the same things we’ve always gotten -- things like unhealthy relationships, passionless work, extra pounds, financial struggle, low self-esteem, a cheap-o blender!! What is it that we need to "bite the bullet" about today? How can life be different for us -- so different that we wake-up with a smile on our face, we feel light-hearted, and we get new determination to make a CHANGE!

If we want things to change—if we want different results in our life in any area—it's time to make a decision to CHANGE. It's time to stop the frustrations, the time wasters, the energy consumers and GET THAT NEW BLENDER, or the new job, or the new car, or the new perspective. It's time to make a CHANGE!

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