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Monday, September 29, 2014

Chill Out and Relax

Whew -- back home after 9 days away, and there's a lot of catching up to do! I'm recuperating from a cold, so, actually, I gave myself a little "relaxing" room in order to "chill out" about all those things that needed to get done today!

Literally, there are times I hear "Chill out!" from God -- when I'm rushing here and there and feeling like I must get "ALL of this" done today! I once lived by "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today"......and I had 20 hour days.....exhausted and weary, and looking and feeling like this little dog.

Join me in a new way of thinking...let's determine to pace ourselves, get the good rest we need so we can be as productive as we can be -- spirit, soul and body!! Then, let's determine to ease up on the HAVE TO'S and RELAX a little more, so we can enjoy the blessings that just might show up in the middle of relaxing!

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