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Monday, September 29, 2014

It's Good to be Back Home Again

John Denver sang "Hey, it's good to be back home again!" And Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, said, "There's no place like home!" And, I'm singing and saying that today! Whether it's a day, a week or a month away from it -- there's just no place like home.

No matter where or what home is -- we've lived in an apartment, a condo, a 26 foot Winnibego, a house (big and small) -- there's just no place like it.
"Home" has changed many, many times over the years (way more than most) -- home once was when my sweetheart met me at the door with a sweet kiss and hug, and home was where my kids brought their friends to for comfort and FOOD, and home was where a light was always burning when one of us would be out late. And home was where the yummy smell of chocolate chip cookies were baking. And home was where we could be ourselves -- no masks -- no pretense -- just real, authentic, truth spoken in love....and even sometimes....when the truth hurt. But still, all those things were what made home...HOME!

But, for all of us.....the meaning of home changes over time -- when we become "empty nesters" as the children leave the nest and make their own homes. Or sweet loved ones leave us for their real HOME in heaven. Suddenly "home" takes on a whole new meaning.

Now, home represents for space, my bed, my pictures, my refrigerator, my pantry, my shower, my computer where I can type my next FB posting with peace so I can hear what God wants me to say -- my treadmill so I can run with all out abandonment -- and my cozy chair -- where I spend time with the Lover of My Soul -- that place of peace and comfort -- where "in His presence -- is fullness of joy"! Give me that -- and I'm home -- my quiet place -- my refuge -- my Shelter in the time of storm!

Yes.....there really is no place like HOME SWEET HOME -- because where He is, I'm HOME!

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