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Monday, September 29, 2014

Of All the Blessings -- the Ones I Love the Most Call Me Mom and Nana

Just getting ready to board my flight home to Tulsa. Thanks be to God for a beautiful cruise, lots of memories made with great friends and family, awesome excitement about the future of helping more and more people be blessed.

And of all the blessings I have -- the ones I love the most call me "Mom" and "Nana". I was so blessed and honored in so many ways on this trip. I really think my son heard from his dad -- especially when he & Shawntel blessed me with an amazing spa treatment, then when we went into Cozumel, they bought me perfume,
and the big finale was when my sweet son bought me a beautiful amethyst stone ring -- I felt like a queen. Of all the things we did wrong in raising our kids -- we did the right things by teaching then to dream, believe, be the best they can be, serve God with all their hearts and never quit -- YES -- we must have done something right!

Living a life of purpose and destiny creates so many opportunities for blessings along the way. We don't give to receive -- but God sure does keep up with His Word -- "Give and it shall be given you -- pressed down, shaken down and running over...." How can I say enough thanks for all He has given me? I know! I'll continue to GIVE BACK -- in praise, thanksgiving, service, adoration, and being available at a moment's notice to be His ambassador!

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