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Monday, September 29, 2014

Faith-Filled Words = Blessings

At my Life Group last night, we talked about how important it is to speak and believe what we are wanting in our lives. The fact is, our words have incredible power! When we speak faith-filled words, positive things just naturally come our way. But, many people just focus on negative things in life, and then they speak negative words that position them for more negativity coming their way.

But when we begin to think and speak the blessings and favor of Almighty God, we’re like a magnet that draws God’s favor in our lives. It’s time for us to declare, and for us to teach our children to declare, “I am strong. I am loved. I am smart. I am happy. I am empowered, and a successful child of the Most High God. I’ve been handpicked by the Creator of the universe to be here. I have great things in my future!” And when we exude that positive attitude through our thoughts and actions, the winds of blessings begin to shift in our direction -- and not only are our lives changed forever, but that positive influence will change the lives of those in our world.

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