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Monday, September 29, 2014

My Name is in His Hand

I'm a fan of Max Lucado's writings -- he's so real and relevant, and what he says touches my heart so much. This one, I just had to pass on to my wonderful FB friends:

"When I see a flock of sheep I see exactly that, a flock. A rabble of wool. I don’t see a sheep. I see sheep. All alike. None different. But not so with the Shepherd. To Him every sheep is different. Every face has a story. John 10:3 says, “The sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd. He calls his own sheep by name.”

When we see a crowd, we see exactly that, a crowd. We see people, not persons. A herd of humans. But not so with the Shepherd. To Him every face is different. Every face is a story. The Shepherd knows you. He knows your name. And he will never forget it.

God said in Isaiah 49:16, “I have written your name on my hand.” Quite a thought isn’t it? Your name on God’s lips. My… could it be? -- Max Lucado
In the 7th grade, I fell for a boy named "Ronnie" Wuerch. I wrote his name in the palm of my hand. It meant I was thinking about him all the time. And how awesome to know that our names are written in the palm of God's hand? He's thinking about us all the time. We are individualized. We are so special. We are exactly who He planned us to be. We are one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Yes, that my friends, is TRUE LOVE!

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