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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Time to Take the Love Test

It's time to take a LOVE TEST -- let's see how we're weathering this week!

Are we patient and kind?
Are we rejecting the temptation to be envious or being a bragger?
Rather than being self-seeking, and prideful -- are we rejoicing with someone else's victories and celebrations?
In spite of the opportunity, are we refraining from being rude or angry?
Are we "hoping" all day, with the expectation that something good is about to happen?
Are we having an "I will not quit" attitude?
Are we protecting our family and friends with an attitude of being their armor bearer?
Are we trusting God in the midst of the storms around us?

If we could answer "YES" to each of the above......then we're passing the LOVE TEST, and it's time to celebrate, because we've found out how to CONQUER..... because LOVE CONQUERS ALL!!

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