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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

We Create Beauty Around Us

Ever walk into a home, and not only are the asthetics, the furnishings and the atmosphere breathtaking -- not because of the opulence -- it could be a small apartment or cabin, but you just sense a presence of peace, comfort and serenity? You feel it. And it feels VERY GOOD. And the owners of the home are gracious, hospitable, courteous and you feel like you're priority to them. They offer you something to drink and its in their finest glassware, and they offer you the best seat in the house. For a few moments, you feel like royalty.

Doesn't it cause us to want to immulate that to those who come into our homes and into our lives? The question is, "What do I pass on to my children, my friends, and the other people I lead and influence? What do others absorb from me? Do I offer them my best in attitude, behavior and actions? Or do I exude negativism, anger, anxiety, impatience, bitterness, impatience, concern, or worry? Or do those who hang around me pick up nobility, gratitude, faith, generosity, passion, and love?

Whether we know it or not, people learn from us and even duplicate us, everyday. If we choose, we can pass on to them God’s character – His unconditional love, patience, joy, peace, and forgiveness! That's just WHO HE IS -- and since we're made in His image -- shouldn't we look like Him, and shouldn't our homes radiate His heart of love and and everyday?

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