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Friday, September 12, 2014

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

"God doesn't require us to succeed. He only requires that we try."
-- Mother Teresa

Don't you love it when someone gives you a big "thumbs up" for something positive you've done well?

Remember the story Jesus told about the 3 servants who were given their master's possessions to take care of while he was out of town? The master came home later and found that 2 of the servants doubled their portion, but the 3rd, just buried his in the ground. For the two successful ser­vants, it meant using what they had been given to make more. They prob­ably thought every day about how to explain their undertakings to the master when he returned. They had to take a risk with what they had been given. They might fail—but they would have at least tried.

Today, let's ask ourselves, "What are the pssessions -- the gifts, the talents, the abilities -- that God has given to me? And then let's think about how we're using them to the best of our ability -- to change our lives and the lives of others."

At the end of the day, don't we want to see our Heavenly Father -- giving us a big thumbs up, and hear the words spoken to the two faithful servants who used their abilities the best they could? "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

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