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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Grandchildren Multiply the Joys

Day 102 of Photo Inspirations -- Grandchildren Multiply the Joys
Being a grandparent brings so many joys that just can't adequately be explained in words.  No one "gets it" until they become one.  I remember thinking how silly those grandparents were with all their bragging, telling stories, and showing their MANY photos.  Then I became one of those -- and I "got it"!   Our grandchildren just multiply the joys that our children bring us.

So, of course, I'm oohing and aahing because of my sweet Saturday night surprise when my oldest grandson, Braden Wuerch​, and my grand-dog, Athena (an American Bully), came through Tulsa enroute to Arizona.  In just a few weeks, he'll be continuing his Army training in Utah, but in the meantime he'll be in Flagstaff which is precious Ruth's hometown.   Braden and Ruth became engaged on Christmas Day, 2014, and she'll be graduating from MUW School of Nursing next month.  And, before long, I'll have, not just one, but two granddaughters. <3 p="">
How sweet the time together Saturday night catching up -- and then Sunday morning -- to pray together before they headed on to Flagstaff.

I pray strategically and deliberately for each of my grandchildren. I name all six of them (and Ruth) in my prayers.  As their grandparent, I can have a major role in stabilizing and influencing their lives by praying for them during these years of decision-making, establishing their own lives and future, and overall -- just "growing up" and becoming mighty men and women of God.

The seeds of prayer we plant today will yield a harvest of blessing in the future.  In Isaiah 44:3 God told the Israelites, “I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants.” God STILL promises to pour out his Spirit and blessings on our descendants.  And, He still places a "crown" on our head and adds another jewel to it.....each time He blesses us with yet another grandchild. (Proverbs 17:6)

The greatest long-lasting gift we can give our grandchildren is the gift of our time and prayers.  The rewards are limitless.

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