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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Who Says Changing is Impossible?

Day 103 of Photo Inspirations -- Who Says Changing is Impossible?
I know it's hard to believe, but I was a shy, timid introvert as I grew up.  I avoided crowds, parties, and situations that caused me to HAVE to interact with people.  So, obviously, I was not voted to be "Most Popular".  And, I know it's even harder to believe that, in some respects, I am still not, by my nature, outgoing.  I literally have to force myself to walk up to people and create conversation.  But, I realized, long ago, that if I remained in that mindset, I would never have friends.  "If you want friends, you must show yourself friendly."  Proverbs 18:24

I receive devotional emails from my favorite author, Max Lucado, and this is what he said recently:  "Here's some good news.  You aren't stuck with today's personality. You aren't condemned to "grumpydom".  You are tweak-able!  So what if you were born a bigot?  You don't have to die one.  Where did we get the idea we can't change?  Where do statements come from such as "It's just my nature to worry," or...."I'll always be pessimistic.   I'm just that way."  Or, "I have a bad temper.  I can't help the way I react."  Who says?  Would we say, "It's just my nature to have a broken leg.  I can't do anything about it."  Of course not.  If our body malfunctions, we seek help.  Shouldn't we do the same with our hearts?  Can't we seek aid for our sour attitudes?  Of course we can.  Jesus can change our hearts!  He wants us to have a heart like His!"

And, I add to Max's words, if I desire to be that outgoing, optimistic, cheerful personality that others want to hang with, then, I must move out of my comfort zone, and be the gal that I want to hang with.  When I'm that gal -- others will be drawn to me, and I will be drawn to those who need me and I need them.

And speaking of tweak-able, I'm so tweak-able that today I'm leaving on a 20-day adventure to Northern Europe with some new friends and will be sharing a cabin with a gal I've never met before.  This feat would have never been possible if I had stayed in a mindset "I'll never change!"  Change is possible -- and when we are willing to change -- the doors to adventure will open wide!

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