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Friday, May 15, 2015

The Operative Word in Dallas Love Field is LOVE

Day 104 of Photo Inspirations -- The Operative Word in Dallas Love Field is LOVE! I get sappy at times -- especially when a sweet memory catches up with me!  Yesterday -- we had a layover at Dallas Love Field Airport.  No big deal -- it's just another airport -- but, yes, it is a big deal to me.  In 1966 Dallas Love Field was THE airport for Dallas.  My family lived just North of Love Field in Walnut Hill -- in fact, our home was right in line for the final approach of the runway and where the planes were descending for landing.  We lived there so long that we didn't even notice the sound, but guests who visited us...DID! They wondered how we put up with that sound that seemed to shake our home.  It didn't phase us anymore -- we didn't even notice it.

And isn't that what we do with thinking about negative situations -- the more we give attention to them -- the worse they become.  But, when we, instead, focus on all that is good -- then the negative has a way of just slipping out of our minds.  That's why when situations and circumstances come, I do my best to replace them with "Him I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon me!"  Isaiah 26:3

But the best part of this stopover at Dallas Love Field was the sweetest memory of all.  Like I said, we lived in North Dallas (just North of Love Field), and my boy friend, Ronnie Wuerch, lived in South Dallas.  He would come North and we would have our little sweetheart time "parking" just on the outside of the airport and watch the planes coming in and taking off.  That's where we dreamed about our future together, and quite honestly, didn't really pay that much attention to those planes at all.  But it sounds good for this explanation.  Eventually, in January, 1966 -- Ronnie took me to the La Tunisia Restaurant that was located in the terminal of Love Field.  It was a swanky restaurant and Ronnie spent a lot on that meal for us that night (we were 17 & 18 at the time) but best of all -- that restaurant in Love Field Airport is where he proposed to me.  Yes.....sweetest of memories.  And so sweet that my daughter came to spend time with me during my layover and I got to share that sweet memory with her.

Yes, cherishing the moments and the memories is what I do really well these days.  I don't look back and want to stay there.  It's recalling the sweet times that made for special memories.  Today was one of those!  That season represented a sweet chapter in my life.  I'm still writing this story and this season is another chapter.  I expect this chapter to be one I'll be remembering with sweet joys too.  That's just the way I roll.  Living the abundant life promised to me by my Father and capturing the moments!   SWEET!

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