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Friday, May 15, 2015

Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart

Day 105 of Photo Inspirations -- Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart
"Trust in the Lord with all heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:5-6
I read this scripture in my devotion this morning and I knew it should be my post for this day.  This are two friends I"m travelling with on this amazing journey, Nancy Crow​ and Marilynn Hays (and Nancy's husband, Don Crow​).  This is because of those "acknowledging Him and He shall direct your paths" special times in my life.

It's a gorgeous day voyaging in the Atlantic Ocean.  We're headed to Halifax, Nova Scotia enroute to Ireland.  Seems like an off-the-beaten path way to go -- but it's trusting the Captain.  He knows what He's doing and why.  And isn't that the way it is with trusting in our CAPTAIN, as this scripture states.

Going to Canada holds special significance for me.  Our beloved Canada gave me my sweetheart, and the sweet memories of living there, takes me back to this great country.  Funny how I ate with a couple this morning from Toronto and we had such a great talk.  I was singing "Oh Canada, our home and native land" to them.  I recalled to them about our time in Toronto with relatives that lived there, 100 Huntley Street TV Show where my daughter, Staci, was a guest speaker and singer, and about her special time representing Manitoba in the Miss Canada Pageant in Toronto.

I read this scripture -- about living in all out abandonment of total trust in God and letting what seems logical get in the way of His guidance which may take us in such illogical directions.  God took the Israelites into the wilderness to get them to their Promised Land, but because of their grumbling at God's ideas, they ended up taking 40 years instead of the 15 days journey He could have given them.  Yes, trusting in Him may just give us exciting trips like this one I'm on by voyaging to Ireland by way of Canada!  I am SO NOT grumbling or complaining -- just enjoying the journey.

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