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Friday, May 15, 2015

God's Road Map

Day 112 of Photo Inspirations -- God's Road Map
Since I was a young child, I've loved reading maps.  My Dad taught me to read a road map at a very young age as we made our way to West Virginia to see my oldest sister and her family.  Then I was the navigator, using the Atlas Map Books as Ron & I and our ministry team traveled the U.S. and Canada in our 28 ft Winnebago.   And then we progressed on to flying in our Cessna 182 and I was his Co-Pilot and Navigator.  Flying takes mapping to a whole new level of mapping using coordinates and considering wind velocity and other factors essential to staying on course.

This is the 17th cruise I've been on -- two of which have been as a "single" since my sweetheart went to heaven.  I really enjoy seeing the world this way and as I look at places I'd like to go to on maps, I dream about new horizons that are just waiting for me to explore.

This photo is of where we're heading today enroute directly north to Ireland and then to Holland, France, Germany and then on to Denmark.

Mapping certainly causes me to consider the road map that has been the most beneficial to me in my life .  I love God's Word that gives me the proven ways to succeed in my life experiences and voyages.  I can't begin to tell you how many times I've read a scripture multiple times and then all of a sudden, a certain scripture will be illuminated to be  -- with a fresh perspective that gives me the navigation I needed to go from Point A to Point B in decision making.  Like a good road map, God's Word points us to the best roads and places of insight and illumination so that God's Spirit can shine His Light into our minds and hearts.  And that "road map"  NEVER needs updating.  The roads, the destinations, the promises and the treasures are as sure today as at the time they were written when He illuminated them to His transcribers.

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