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Friday, May 15, 2015

Where Can I Go From Your Presence?

Day 113 of Photo Inspirations -- Where Can I Go From Your Presence?
Psalm 139:7-10  "Where can I go from your Spirit?   Where can I flee from your presence?   If I go up to the heavens, you are there;  if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn,  if I settle on the far side of the sea,  even there your hand will guide me,  your right hand will hold me fast."

Today, we're heading North passing through the Bay of Biscayne that lies along the western coast of France.  We'll enter the Celtic Sea toward the south coast of Ireland.  We'll be docking in Cork, Ireland tomorrow morning.

I think about the constants in my life today -- Me (I can't get away from me -- I'm always with me) and Father God.  I think about how blessed I am to never know what it is to be alone or lonely.  I acknowledge the real fact that I will never be without Him and His presence.  My Lord and my God.  I see Him in the oceans and I saw Him in the sunrise as a took to the treadmill and watched the sun rise early this morning.  I hear Him in the laughter of people around me.  I feel and sense Him when I open my eyes and heart to Him as I meditate on Him when I start to write my morning FB post.    "When you seek me, you will find me."  Jeremiah 29:13

Are you lonely today?  He's standing at the door and knocking -- desiring to come in a fellowship with you today.   He desires to be the CONSTANT in your life.  Notice there is no door knob on the outside of that door.  He will not barge into your heart. He is simply waiting for the invitation to come in.  Go ahead -- open up your heart and invite Him in.  He'll always accept the invitation. "Behold I stand at the door and knock."  Revelations 3:20

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