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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's All About Perspective -- MY Birthday!

Day 136 of Photo Inspirations -- It's All About Perspective -- MY Birthday!!
I took this photo yesterday while waiting in the examination room for my annual check-up -- waiting and waiting for my doctor's arrival.   I looked around the room -- no pictures.  What's that about?  A girl needs something to do while waiting for the big reveal!  Hmmm!
A blank canvas awaits my talents -- maybe a poster that explains the virtues of paper gowns or one of those "Where's Waldo?" pictures.  At least a patient can make good use of her time -- after all, Waldo has been lost for way too long.

Then my wandering eyes saw a pamphlet stand with the calendar over the "Birth ???? day" brochure.  I thought -- "I should check out that brochure -- maybe there's a free gift when I have my birthday!!"  All tidy in my paper gown, I made way to the brochure stand, pulled out my birthday surprise brochure......and it wasn't at all about Birthdays -- it was about Birth Control.  LOL!  I told my doctor -- "It's amazing how a girl's perspective changes!  If I were here in my younger years, of course my perspective would have been on child-bearing and BIRTH-ing.  In these "mature" years, I'm NOT thinking BIRTH-ing.  I think of Birthdays...and with each one....I celebrate it.  I made it another year.

I heard Christine Caine talk about how the older we get, we downplay having another birthday.  We don't want any "big deals" or any attention given to another birthday.  She said, "How silly it is to throw a gigantic, blow-out of a birthday for a one-year old with presents and decorations and party favors -- what has he/she done to deserve that birthday?   Those who have been here for half a century are the ones to be celebrated.  For goodness sakes, every year that we're still here, we deserve fireworks, celebrations, recognition and tributes..... because we EARNED this birthday and every other birthday!  We made it another year."

And with each year.....we have the opportunity to celebrate -- not for just THE day, but EACH day that God gives us.  Celebrating it with a merry heart, a glad heart, a thankful heart, a forgiving heart, a heart open to the abundance of God's love and bringing forth fruit, being vigorous and flourishing.   So, today, whether you or 6 or 60 or are to be celebrated.  You're still bearing fruit.  You're still're not done!
"They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be vigorous and flourishing." Psalm 92:14

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