Day 137 of Photo Inspirations -- Partner, Do You Believe We Can Do This? Yes, Partner, I Believe We Can Do This!
Those are words the dad and son exchanged in the movie, "Little Boy" that our Life Group attended last night. That little boy's daddy was teaching him, early on, that if you believe, anything is possible. It was a powerful and moving film about a little boy who is willing to do whatever it takes to bring his dad home from World War II alive. Not long after his father leaves for war, Pepper, the little boy, hears the Bible verse, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move" (Matthew 17:20). Then he becomes determined to get enough faith to bring his father home.
While his dad is away, Father Oliver, a good, wise and humble priest, became the little boy's confidant and he introduced a to-do list to Pepper, to get him started on his road of faith. The "to do" list was: Feed the hungry; Shelter the homeless; Visit those in prison; Clothe the naked; Visit the sick; Bury the dead. We've heard those words spoken by Jesus in Matthew 25:35 and it sure made practical sense in this movie. Oftentimes we think the way to obtain more faith is through praying more. That "to do" list is OUR "to do" list as well. That "To Do" List puts our faith to action.
The audacious faith of this little boy changed his world. Oh, that our audacious faith would change our world, too! People of faith, who have true, honest, child-like faith, make the people around them better, and it makes them better, too. Childlike faith that moves mountains is faith that moves mountains in other people's lives, as well as their own. There are no limits to what God can do when we sincerely believe "NOTHING is impossible with God".
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