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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Stop, Drop and Pray

Day 230 of Photo Inspirations -- Stop, Drop and Pray
What do you do when you see someone hanging on for dear life to the very end of their rope? They've done their best to stay positive, to be brave and courageous, to smile when the wind is blowing the hardest, to keep standing when it would be easier to fall -- YET, this day -- they caved under the load.

That happened today when "it was the last straw" for a dear friend who has been through so much. She said, "I can't take it anymore!"  So, what should we do at times like this?  We can reach our arms out in a sweet embrace and say "It's gonna' be alright!"  Or, we can say "I'll be praying for you!"

OR, we can STOP -- DROP -- and PRAY!  If that friend was in a burning house, would we tell her "We'll be praying for you! It's gonna' be alright!" Or, would we run in and grab hold of her and pull her out of the fire.

Today, we did STOP -- DROPPED -- and PRAYED!  There was no sense in just comforting her or speaking positive words to her.  It was time for a breakthrough and time to serve notice on the enemy that he has lost his fight.  When Goliath had gotten on little David's last nerve, David picked up a stone and sling and took Goliath down with one fell swoop.  There are just times when we have to take matters into God's hands through strong, fervent, faith-in-action prayers.

There were three of us in prayer for her and it wasn't "Now I lay me down to sleep" prayers -- it was "When the enemy comes in.....LIKE A FLOOD, God raises up a standard" kind of prayer.  I don't know if the turnaround has taken place for her yet, but I do know she calmed down and peace overtook her.

And the best part, after she left to go home, we found a card on a table that we hadn't seen there before, and didn't know who put it there.  The card had written on it in calligraphy, "Find rest, oh my soul, in God alone.  My help comes from Him." Psalm 62:5.   We ran out to give her the card to confirm to her that God heard our prayers.  I like to think that GOD did show up when we called upon Him, to confirm "He's got this!"  And, He's GOT THIS -- for you, too, today!  Maybe it's time for you to STOP, DROP and PRAY!

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