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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Seeing God in the Ordinary

Day 231 of Photo Inspirations -- Seeing God in the Ordinary
Yesterday, at an advisory board meeting at church, we were praying and seeking God on some important matters -- desiring wisdom and understanding on the direction He would be guiding us to go.  One of the ladies left the room for a few minutes and said  "I just went down the hall and when I returned, I found this $20 in the hallway!"  Great find!  We agreed to give it to the Pastor tomorrow.

But, as I was sitting there, I sensed there was a greater message in finding that $20.  I held it up and showed them the side that said, "In God We Trust".  Perhaps God was ADVISING this Advisory Board to TRUST HIM in everything we're seeking Him for.  I love that.  We seek God with our hearts and minds, but He's not hiding.    Our EXTRAORDINARY God is right there with the ORDINARY of life.  Finding this $20 bill was more than a donation to the church......just maybe it was God sending us the message "TRUST ME"!!  And when ORDINARY people trust God with their whole hearts, He will do EXTRAORDINARY things through us and for us!

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."  Jeremiah 29:13

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