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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Celebration Time in Texas

Day 252 of Photo Inspirations -- Celebration Time in Texas
I love making my trek to Texas for family fun and no matter how long it's been since I've seen them, my Payton and Alexia love to bring me up to date on their accomplishments since I last saw them. They always are ready to give me "a show". The very first thing Payton does is heads to the piano to play for me, and show me the schedule he has for playing for his worship team at church.
He knows what I love the most -- his piano playing is such a gift -- a chip off the ole' key off the ole' piano -- straight from Papa.  This boy seems to know how to get to my heart....right from the start. AND, he always wears Papa's favorite cologne.  Be still my heart!

And, Alexia, with her wit and enthusiasm shows me "her" office and give me a tour of her bedroom -- that she so meticulously cleaned and organized for me to see.

What I noticed that since I was here last, the book shelves Papa made for Payton....before he was ever born, have been put up in this house -- one section in Payton's room with his vast array of outdoorsman paraphernalia and in Alexia's room -- those things that represent her "girly girl" ways.

When I went to "my room" (aka "the guest room"), Denise pointed out the scripture she had opened to in he Bible -- just for me.  Daniel 12:3 "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever."  She knows me and she knows my heart for being used by God to possess and convey His wisdom -- to shine bright for Him and lead many to Him.

It's just another trip to see my kids and grandkids....or is it?  Is it one of those sweet stop-overs on my pilgrimage to heaven -- to present me with so many joys as He can here, on my way to THERE!!  How sweet it is!

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