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Saturday, September 12, 2015

It's Special Plate Day For My Sweetheart

Day 251 of Photo Inspirations -- It's Special Plate Day for My Sweetheart!

Our family has always made big deals of birthdays.  After all, it's the day we made our debut on this earth -- straight from heaven's portals.   So, of course, it's a celebration day.  The day always starts with the birthday decorations and birthday breakfast with the "You Are Special" Birthday Plate.  This is the birthday honoree's SPECIAL DAY, and we each tell them how special they are to us.   Each one conveys tender and heartfelt words of love and appreciation.

I've got the "Special Plate" out today because today's birthday honoree is my Sweetheart, and I ask my friends and family to indulge me once again as I reminisce about the life of this precious man and how special he will always be to me.  

"On this day of celebration, I hope you know how much you are loved, honored, respected, and admired by me and all those who know you.  This is indeed a time of celebrating a man that made his mark on so many lives, the least of whom is ME!    I am more today than I could have ever dreamed possible because of you.....your relentless urging, pushing, prodding, and encouraging me to be all I could be.    You have always made me feel beautiful.  When I didn't believe in believed in me!  
I am so thankful for the amazing husband, father, and grandfather that you always were.  You always gave yourself so freely to so many.   I will never forget the precious, caring and giving way you treated my mom.  You always made her feel like a queen.   You were so much more than a son-in-law.    And when I wanted to shut the door so many times to some of the dysfunctional, yet needy members of my not only opened the door to them, but you fed them and clothed them and tolerated them and gave them truly the Father's love.  You really were a "life enhancer" and a replica of Christ's love.    There are so many adjectives for this man named "Ronald Wuerch" and so many reasons why I celebrate your life and the impact you had on so many.   And I'll try here to name just a few.  I love Ronald because.....

• You could play the piano and a virtuoso
• You were an amazing carpenter -- building houses and so much more
• You were an awesome pilot
• You could fix anything -- around the house and in people's lives
• You had so much wisdom and creativity
• You were a great fisherman....of fish....and of people -- leading them to Christ
• You were so giving to those in need
• You were my greatest cheerleader
• You saw the good in everyone and you taught our family the key to our greatest joy and happiness was found in God's Word.
• You led our family in the optimistic, positive faith message that caused ultimate success in each of our lives.
• You were my best friend, lover, confidante, and my hero
• And there's not enough room here to continue with all that you were to me......but one thing's for received your ultimate reward by getting to go on the fast track to heaven.  My greatest determination is to be there with you someday and to get to have the ultimate in birthday bashes there!  And, to all my FB friends and family -- YOU ARE ALL INVITED!!!

Oh, and by the way, maybe it's time you and your family have special plate days, too! It is sure a confidence builder to those we love!

Happy Birthday, my Sweetheart! 

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