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Monday, September 28, 2015

The Big Picture

Day 267 of Photo Inspirations -- The Big Picture
When I was a little girl, our "family" vacations were to see my "big" sister and her family in West Virginia.  Driving around those crazy mountains to get to Lantz, WV was exhilarating.  That's where my nieces, who were my age, lived. Playing Hide and Go Seek in those mountains and swimming in the river was AWESOME!  And, going to my "big" brother's and hanging out at the lake and learning to water ski was so thrilling and challenging.  He wouldn't let me get back into the boat until I conquered it. And riding the train to go to my other "big" sister's in Oklahoma was always exciting.  I would get to go to the "movies" when I went to her house.  

There was never an option to go to Disneyland or to Hawaii or to any other exotic or "expensive" location.  What I didn't know -- didn't hurt me, because  I don't ever remember wishing for those places -- you know -- the BIG PICTURE of what's available out there.  I just remember those trips to see my siblings and my nieces and nephews that were the most exciting adventures EVER.  Fact is, we could never have afforded to go to those places, but I didn't know that.  My parents never talked about our lack or our financial status.  And, even after my Daddy graduated to heaven when I was just 15, my precious mother made sure I didn't lack a thing.

My Mom and Dad did KNOW the BIG PICTURE. They had a SUPER HERO mentality even before the likes of the "super heroes" our kids have today.  I saw "The Avengers" movie with my grandsons while I've been here in WA (e.g. Captain America, Iron Man,Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow). Those guys have impressive "super" powers.    Those super heroes, however, have nothing to compare with the ultimate SUPER HERO who my parents depended on during the toughest of times and who I've depended upon during my own challenging times.  And, I've consistently reminded myself of the BIG PICTURE.  Not what I've missed or not what I think is best for me, but what God is to me.  If there's a BIG PICTURE I learned from my parents -- it was their faith that knew no bounds.  In the times of my Dad's sickness and the times of his graduation to heaven, I knew it wasn't my Mom's own abilities -- it was her dependence on her SUPER HERO.  Psalm 24:8  "Who is the King (Super Hero) of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle."  Vs. 10 "Who is He, this King of Glory?  The Lord of the heavenly armies.  He is the King of Glory."

It's not WHAT you know.  It's WHO you know that counts.  And, I know Him.  And I love that my grandkids know the difference in those make-believe super heroes and the REAL ONE.  Bryson had a crazy headache yesterday.  We didn't call on Thor or Iron Man or Captain America for relief. Brennan and Nana called on the King of Glory -- strong and mighty -- to touch Him with HIS mighty powers......and HE DID!

The BIG PICTURE is our GREAT BIG God Who sees all and knows all, loves us beyond what we can think or imagine.  He's the reason why I am so joy-filled, so optimistic and so free.   I know Him...personally and intimately.  He's my Lord -- strong and mighty -- my King, my Super Hero, my everything....and that's THE BIG PICTURE!

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