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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A True Romance is Going On

Day 269 of Photo Inspirations -- A True Romance is Going On
So I've known romance.  My husband was the truest romantic EVER.  He loved candlelight, love songs, little "I love you" notes, surprise date locations, slow dancing, surprise gifts, and though I knew I wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world, he made me feel like I was.

I'm studying and preparing for a Bible Study I'll be leading, starting next Monday, the 5th.  God led me to the study of  "Knowing Them By Their Fruit" and "The Fruit of the Spirit".  The Fruit of the Spirit's qualities are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  I believe the foundational quality of them all is LOVE.  After all, GOD IS LOVE, and He embodies all of those qualities.  That's why we pray...."Make me more like YOU!"

“And now abide these three: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:13

Yes, my Sweetheart was a true romantic.  But the love talked about in this verse is the truest of true romantic loves.  The love of God -- THE purest love.   Completely selfless, immensely sacrificial, unstoppable, a burning and unquenchable passion, a jealous and unchanging love.  This makes it the strongest possible kind.  And one that is so incomparable.  It can’t be bought, it is only given.  It is never manipulated, but given with grace.  And it can never, ever be broken.  The truth is, not even death can contain, limit or abolish this awesome love of God.

And here's some really good news that those of us may miss or be longing for -- our relationship with God is a romance.  And a greater romance has never been told.  It’s a romance that is eternal, not like the world’s.  It’s a romance that is infinite.  It was being formed before the universe was spoken into existence.   That same love is the one, the same power that sustained Christ when He gave up His last breath on the cross to save a heartless and undeserving world.  And THAT love is woven and knit into each of His children.  He is constantly wooing us and romancing us through blessings that He continually pours out on our lives.  When no human stands with us through a storm, He is always there.  When we experience heartache and pain, He remains faithful.  This love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.  Our romantic God shows us us what TRUE LOVE and TRUE romance is all about!

Here is how our romantic God shows what TRUE LOVE is:
Love is patient. Love is kind.  Love is not jealous. Love is not boastful.  Love is not rude.  Love is selfless.  Love forgives and forgets.  Love rejoices in the truth. Love never fails.

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