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Thursday, October 1, 2015

False Evidence Appearing Real

Day 270 of Photo Inspirations -- False Evidence Appearing Real
#TBT My grandsons asked me to tell them the story of Papa and the cat again.  I love how they want to remember sweet times.

Staci was the guest speaker for a Mary Kay Annual Convention in Nashville.  We had a few minutes to spare so we walked to a little shop nearby, and this little kitten caught my eye.  I wanted it for a companion to the dog we had.  When the kids were younger we always had cats and dogs around, but the day came when the kids left home, and so did the pets.  These little imitation ones suited us just fine -- no feeding, watering, or cleaning necessary.

We drove home from Nashville (back then I was her travel companion and we toured the country doing conferences, meetings and concerts in our custom high-top van).  We could drive for hours because when one of us was driving, the other was sleeping on the bed in the back.

We got back to Tulsa about 3 a.m. and put the cat on the chair beside Ron's chair.  I thought he'd love our new pet when awoke and came into the den. Later, when Staci and I awoke, he told us that he'd walked into the den, saw the cat and thought "Oh, those girls.  They must have left the door open when they got in and that cat snuck in."  He quietly closed the doors to the den and kitchen so he wouldn't wake it, and then have to be chasing it through the house.  Then he opened the back door so he could chase it outside. Then, he "shushed" it to wake it up.   He said he had a spoon in his hand from stirring his coffee and went over to the cat and touched it and it didn't move.  Then he tapped it and it was hard.  He knew it was an imitation.  The visual of that story-- of him sneaking around the cat to not wake it up -- still makes me laugh.

I still have that cat AND dog, to remind me that SOMETHINGS are just not as they appear.  Ron spoke about the acronym of FEAR -- False Evidence Appearing Real.  That cat stirred up concern in him -- he sure didn't want to be chasing it around the house -- like he had with birds that came in through the fireplace before.  But, thankfully -- that cat was false evidence -- it only appeared real!

How many times do we worry and concern ourelves with things that aren't real.  If we had kept a journal of those worries, and looked at it from a year ago, we'd see things that were worrying us or causing us fear then, never came to pass.   With trusting in Him who is the REAL DEAL -- fear doesn't have to consume us and neither should we give it the time of day.

I love this scripture.....Isaiah 41:10  "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."

Now watch out for those fierce, violent little kittens that just might come and settle in for a long night's nap!

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