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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Debut of Two Girls Into Our World

Day 255 of Photo Inspirations -- The Debut of Two Girls Into Our World
On this special day, I'm celebrating two of my girls.

It was actually September 15th when our son asked us to join him and Shawntel's family for a surprise birthday party for her at her home. Her birthday was September 16th, but the party needed to be on the 15th.  We had a wonderful time together celebrating this beautiful woman, but the party went to a whole new level, when Ryan got down on one knee and proposed to her.  We rejoiced when she said "YES"!    We knew God brought them together.   Three months later they were married.

Larry and Staci were absent from this celebration -- but they had a pretty good excuse.  Just after Ryan proposed, we got the call from Larry....."Staci's contractions are just minutes apart."  That meant we had to make a quick exit from this fabulous be at another fabulous "debut" party. Our little Alexia was coming into the family as well.  

We rushed to Dallas and though the doctors were telling Staci to "push", she refused to....."My Mom & Dad must be here!"    As we were running down the hallway of the hospital our precious little girl started coming.  We made it....but not a minute too soon!  

Our hearts were full -- our son was engaged to the "love of his life", and Larry and Staci brought another precious treasure to love into this world.  And to make it even more special, Ryan and Shawntel drove from Oklahoma to Texas to meet their new little niece on both girls' birth-days.  It was a joyous celebration!

So, today, September 16th, I get to celebrate two precious girls that have brought so much sunshine and joy to our family.  I can't begin to thank God enough for my Shawntel (aka Angel -- always has been to our family) who is the most devoted and loving wife to Ryan, and incredible mother to our boys.  She calls me Mom, which is one of the greatest privileges.  We're bonded.  We've shared so many blessings and though we're physically miles apart -- when we are back together again, it's as though we were never apart.  She's my girl and has always been.

And, then there's my hilarious, beautiful, talented, loving, one-and-only granddaughter, Alexia -- 14 years old today.  Where has 14 years gone?  It seems just a little while ago that we were rushing to meet her, and now she is becoming a young woman of destiny and purpose.  With 5 grandsons who are ALL about "guy" stuff....this precious girl gives me the bows, ruffles, shopping, girly-girl things that I love so much.

Happy Birthday, Shawntel Wuerch​ and Alexia Wallace​ -- my two September 16th GIFTS FROM GOD!

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