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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Walk in Love & Light

Day 254 of Photo Inspirations -- WALK IN LOVE & LIGHT
Ephesians 5:1-2, 8 "Be imitators of God, as beloved children; and WALK in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for us. For you were once darkness, but are now light in the Lord: WALK as children of light."

That's what I thought about when we had a family walk this weekend.  Yes, we needed the exercise, but I noticed the conversation and celebration of walking in love and light.  I saw Larry's patience and love as he directed Lexi across a creek carrying her little Yorkie.  She was concerned about the rushing water and didn't want to fall or bring harm to Emma.  But her Daddy knew what was best and with careful guidance and direction, she made it just fine.

Then I watched Staci and her "bestie", Karen Quick Imhoff​, kicking up their heels in all out freedom and abandonment of worries or concerns.  Living our lives -- with trust and confidence that God walks with us, talks with us and guides and directs us, gives us that child-like freedom to run and jump and celebrate because Dad has got everything under control.

Each of those examples explain the above scripture -- walking in love means tolerance, patience, tenderness, and "giving up" our way for some one else's way.  And walking as children of light.  What does that mean?  In the New Testament, “walking in the light” is directly related to following Jesus, who said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). Those who follow Jesus are “walking in the light.”

To “walk” is, in short, to live life. Our lifestyle or way of life can be considered a “walk.” And it also indicates progress.  Walking is related to growth; it is taking steps toward maturity.  While on this little walk, Lexi wanted to turn around and go back the way we came because it meant more adventure, but her Dad saw that it was starting to get darker outside and He knew what was best -- it was to go forward the safer way.  And, I loved it, when he held back from his usual faster pace, to walk side by side with his girl.

Isn't that the way it is when we partner with God in our walk with Him.  He wants us progressing, growing, and recognizing what is LIGHT and what is darkness.  Walking with Him is the opposite of evil.   Putting it all together, “walking in the light” means “growing in holiness and maturing in the faith as we follow (walk with) Jesus.”

Psalm 128:1 "Blessed are you who fear the Lord, who WALK in His ways."

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