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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fear Not. I Bring You Good News of JOY

Day 281 of Photo Inspirations - Fear Not. I Bring You Good News of JOY
Yesterday, our Bible Study was about the second characteristic of the Fruit of the Spirit -- JOY! Though I had diligently prayed and prepared, there is nothing like stepping aside and watching how Holy Spirit trumps my pre-planned agenda.  His way is the best way.

The first part of the Bible Study was given to women sharing their praises and their prayer requests. The tone was more subdued as a couple of the ladies had some major challenges going on in their families and friends' lives.

Once the meeting was turned to me, I shared about a message I heard on Sunday.  Pastor Craig spoke about a woman at the airport that he saw and heard singing, who had the most beautiful voice. She was running a snack kiosk and was singing to travelers that passed her.  Shed sing out "It's a beautiful day!  You're gonna have a beautiful day.  You're wearing a beautiful dress.  You have on a nice shirt!"  And, on and on, she just kept singing and singing. When Pastor asked why she did that, she said, "The atmosphere of an airport can be so negative; so many people are stressed and unhappy and I just figure if I can help give them joy in their day, maybe their attitude will be turned around."  I love that.  There are two kinds of people:  those who become like the atmosphere they're in -- negative, angry, depressed, or sad, or there are those who are atmosphere changers. In her case...she turned the atmosphere to JOY.

I had the ladies turn to Luke 2:10, where the angel said to the shepherds "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great JOY which shall be to all people."  Immediately one of the ladies said, "OH, I remember when my granddaughter, Emma, said that scripture when she was 5 years old.  She said, "Fear not. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. And you will find a baby wrapped in cloths. Luke 2."  For 4 years this grandmother has carried that video on her phone and has continued to watch it. It brought her so much JOY. She showed us the video and it brought us JOY.

But, here's the best part -- that precious little, now 9-years old girl, when she was just born.....was left on the doorstep of this lady's daughter's home.  The little baby was abandoned, but a note was left with the baby...."Laura, I'm leaving my baby to you because I know you're Catholic."  Apparently, whoever the birth mother was (and they tried desperately to find her but never have), knew who Laura was.   Laura, an attorney, knew the legalities of this little baby's abandonment and she followed the laws of DHS, but Laura's heartstrings were tugged to do what she could to provide that little girl a loving family who would love her. By then, Laura and her husband and all 4 of her children loved this little "heaven sent" angel.  They kept her and adopted her.  As this precious grandmother spoke, the atmosphere in our room changed to utter joy, as she shared that Emma is the most delightful, joy-filled child that they can't even imagine not having her in their lives.  Indeed, Emma brought "good news of great joy" to their world.

Immediately, I understood Holy Spirit's word to us....."And, Emma is like us -- we were abandoned and unwanted and God adopted us into His royal family and now we have reasons for UNSPEAKABLE, INEXPRESSIBLE JOY!   Joy doesn't come from success, circumstances or a lack of adversity (we've ALL known adversity).  It's a gift that comes from spending time with the ONE who created it, the ONE whose grace and love gave us His JOY.    May you know that JOY that comes from KNOWING Him today!

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