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Monday, October 12, 2015

Cuddles from Heaven and on Earth

Day 280 of Photo Inspirations - Cuddles From Heaven & On Earth
Going to church was one of my favorite "date" places to go to with my Sweetheart.  It seemed that the presence of the Lord brought us even closer together when we were there.  He would hold and caress my hand, put his arm around me, and whisper "I love you".  And I don't think God was jealous one bit when we expressed our love to each other there.  In fact, He was probably applauding that affection and love -- after all, that precious love between a husband and wife is one of His most marvelous creations.

Genesis 2:21-24 "So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”  That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."  Talk about GENIUS and master-designed creations!!!!  God is the MASTER CREATOR!!

In the sweetness of God's love and our love, God blessed us with a friendship with a precious family. Howblessed we were when Owen, their 3rd-born, this adorable 10 year old pictured here, became our godson. We were so blessed to be there 10 years ago when he was baptized -- thus my photo inspirations for today.  We took being godparents very seriously -- praying for him, celebrating him and continuing to give him the reasons why he is so precious and beautiful and reminding him that God has so much potential in his future.  We always made it a big deal to celebrate his baptism every year.  After all, that's when he came into the "Family of God". And that's what I did yesterday -- I had been in Seattle on September 25th -- his actual baptism day.  I want to continue to influence this little guy in his relationship with Jesus.  If I can have a small hand in that, I say, "Here's my hand, Lord!"  His card said, "This little light of Owen's.....he's gonna' let it shine!"  And, I gave him a flashlight as a little reminder.  BIG smiles!

Yesterday was special, but as I said in the first paragraph here, my sweetheart and I made going to church a place where our love for each other increased.  So when he graduated to heaven (5 years next month), I could have only thought of how much I missed him when I went to church.  But I think, he AND God had something special in mind.  Owen took over where my sweetheart left off. To this day, since Ron's exit, Owen runs to sit by me in church.  He wraps his arms around me, holds my hand and kisses my cheek.  Oh, yes, I sense heaven with me when Owen is with me.  I am loved here and from up there.  Yes, his little light shines brightly in my life!

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