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Sunday, October 11, 2015

The JOY of the Lord is My Strength

Day 280 of Photo Inspirations -- The JOY of the Lord is my Strength
After a full, vigorous, packed-full-of-fun week with my sweet boys in Seattle,  I returned home and early the next morning I was headed for a 4-day fast-paced, action-filled women's retreat.  It was a retreat where women were refreshed and restored, however, for those of us on the Leadership Team -- it was a work-out, and it was worth the work-out to see so many, so blessed.

But, I came home....depleted of energy and, from where I had fallen a few weeks before on my hip and leg....I was aching and in pain. I was hobbling. My mind was being taunted by the enemy saying "You're going to be hobbling like that from here on out!"  I even started imagining what that might look like.

But, I love how the voice of my Good Shepherd speaks to me.  I turned on the TV on and saw Joyce Meyer with a little devil on her shoulder (something her team made for her to emphasize a point). She was telling the audience.  "We all know the enemy is a liar, but how many of us just let him continue to lie to us and even consider what he's saying?  We called this conference  'Mind, Moods & Attitudes' and tonight I'm going to teach on the mind!"  Then, the voice of Satan came from the sound system...."The mind?  You've got to be kidding!  Don't you think you teach too much on the battlefield of the mind?  People are sick of hearing about the mind!  And, that outfit you have on looks ridiculous!"  Initially, Joyce, in her dramatic way, showed how Satan was getting to her, but of course, in her hilarious style, finally did what we're supposed to do -- she put him in his place by speaking God's Word and told him to "SHUT UP!".  Then she knocked him off her shoulder.  She WON!

Immediately, I took that message to heart, because I had been taunted by the enemy telling me "You're tired.  You should slow down.  You're going to be hobbling the rest of your life!"  But, I did what Joyce did.  I shouted, "Shut up, Satan!  I am healed.  By The stripes of Jesus I am made whole. The JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH!"  I got it.  My part is to stop the enemy's lies in their tracks.  My part is to start rejoicing in God's love and faithfulness.
Nehemiah 8:10 "The joy of the Lord is your strength."  Joy is the second characteristic of the Fruit of the Spirit and I took it personally.  I know that joy doesn't come from success, circumstances or a lack of adversity. It's a gift that comes from spending time with the One who created it.   My Lord and I had some one-on-one time, and "His strength, that is made perfect in MY weakness", consumed and strengthened me.

This opportunity to teach on the Fruit of the Spirit over these next few weeks is teaching ME -- loud and clear -- that God has given us the opportunity to WIN over the adversary in our everyday lives!  God has equipped us with everything we need to win....and win big time.  I'm so thankful for His profound love that wakes me up and sets me straight in the knick of time.

Excuse me......I need to go eat MORE fruit!!!

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