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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Lord, I'm Keeping My Eyes On You

Day 272 of Photo Inspirations -- Lord, I'm Keeping My Eyes On You
I’m home from Seattle, but now on an amazing retreat – no electronics allowed, so my FB posts had to be pre-scheduled.  Hopefully, this one posted for today.

I loved having special one-on-one time with my two youngest grandsons over the last week.  Since we’re only able to see each other every couple of months or so, I often wonder if they’ve grown out of me yet.  You know – the cuddling, hand-holding, games playing, kisses, hugs, telling stories, etc.  But, thankfully, not yet.   At ages 8 and 11, they’re still so lovey dovey and precious.  They still love to cuddle while we watch a movie on TV and have the “usual” -- chocolate shakes and popcorn.
Bryson (the 8-year old) is especially tender-hearted and wants undivided attention.  He’ll get right in my face so I completely focus on him.  He wants to be the central focus.

That makes me think about our relationship with God.  It’s so easy to be distracted from focusing on Him – the phone, TV, computer, people, our needs and wants, etc.  Can we possibly imagine how much He wants one-on-one cuddle time with us – where He is the center of our attention?  And when He’s the center of our attention, we focus on what’s good and lovely and the question about whether we do what He wants or not  is easy because we will focus on what He focuses on.

Matthew 22:37 “Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'

Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”

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