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Sunday, October 4, 2015

He Calls You To Be Faithful

Day 173 of Photo Inspirations -- God Called Us to Be Faithful
I just returned home from an amazing ACTS Retreat in Luther, OK.  No words can describe the undeniable presence of God that we experienced in all the intricacies of the retreat.  We just knew God's love, peace, and joy was all in each of us as "sisters" and in the one man that was there with us. Father Jack Gleason.  Words he spoke to us are still with me.

He shared, that has a young priest in Rome, he sensed God's desire was for him was the go to a small convent each day to celebrate mass for the nuns there.    Saying "yes" meant certain daily sacrifices. He was taken back when he heard that their masses were at 5:30 am in the morning.  In addition, he didn't have a car and it was a 45-minute walk to get there.  Morning after morning, he took that journey across Rome.  Did he ever wish that he hadn't made such a commitment?  Yes, he did.  But he faithfully continued on day after day.

Then, one day, he showed up at the convent, and there were many cars there.  He didn't know what that meant.  He went in and asked "What's going on?"  They said, "Oh, you didn't hear?  Mother Teresa is with us today."  She was there to serve her fellow sisters and to speak encouragement to them.  In Father Jack's brief conversation with her, she looked at him and said, "God doesn't call you to be successful.  He calls you to be faithful."

Those were words that affirmed Father Jack's commitment to these precious women of God who find ways to be faithful to their calling and to their God every single day.  Success to them is being faithful.   When Father Jack offered himself to serving, goodness was yielded and an exceptional gift was given to him.  We all should keep in mind this marvel.  Some folks think that faithfulness means being the next Mother Teresa in order to do anything for God.  But, they miss the simple openings of the heart that could be just what God is asking from them.  
The enormity of this unassuming nun from India was in her deeds. Everybody respected her persevering work in the restoration of poor people. Mother Teresa had tremendous affection and empathy for all living creatures. She was a lady of character that committed her life to help others.
Father Jack's faithfulness to his "call", opened the door for him to meet a living saint.  Hearing his story, made me very aware of the nudges I've received and let them go because of time restraints or busyness or attitude or "it's just too difficult".  On the other hand, I think about those times when I did say "YES", that I reaped incredible rewards that came as surprises or applause from heaven.  I can only imagine that God has a truckload of blessings ready to be dumped on our lives -- if but only we are FAITHFUL to His still small voice that says "Call that homebound friend; take a meal to a neighbor; take someone to a doctor appointment; volunteer at the Food Bank; start a Bible Study; pray; give out of your abundance."  God doesn't call us to be successful; He calls us to be faithful!

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