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Monday, October 5, 2015

The Ten Commandments and Peace

Day 274 of Photo Inspirations -- The 10 Commandments & Peace
Having spent the last 4 days at a beautiful retreat center in Luther, OK, and experiencing the peace of God in this away-from-it-all location, was beyond explanation.  Finding ourselves in many opportunities to "Be Still and Know....He is God" was exactly what we all needed to experience.   Most of us there, from young single women, to young mothers to more mature women,  live with daily opportunities to face conflict AND noise -- from careers, attending school, raising children, health and financial challenges, etc.  But, when there's an opportunity, like what we had over the last several days, to go to place of quiet and stillness, we have the incredible opportunity to refresh, restore, reconcile, and rejuvenate.

Before I left this "oasis" yesterday morning, I took these two photos -- the first being a beautiful statute of the Ten Commandments carved into marble stone.  And, then as we were driving out of the Retreat Center, this sign bade us farewell......"Go in Peace".

I thought about what we experienced during those 4 days -- peace, serenity, feeling in touch with God, hearing His voice, having MANY "aha" moments, seeing women experience life transformation, and it occurred to me......those 10 Commandments expressed how it's possible.

1.  You shall have no other gods before Me.
2.  You shall not make idols.
3.  You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4.  Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5.  Honor your father and your mother.
6,  You shall not murder.
7.  You shall not commit adultery.
8.  You shall not steal.
9.  You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.

I read this in our local newspaper:  "Last week, the Capitol Preservation Commission, following a ruling by the state Supreme Court and a district judge, ordered that the Ten Commandments monument be removed from the Capitol grounds by Oct. 12th."

Honestly, I don't get that those 10 Commandments could be so controversial, but nevertheless, for my part.....I live by them.  And, I'm so thankful that the blessings in my life are attributed to those "rules of conduct", God's laws, and keeping Him FIRST above all else.  Everyone is entitled to their own rules of conduct, but "As for me AND my house....we will serve the Lord".

Of course, leaving those grounds and seeing those words "Go in Peace" made perfect sense as to how we should live.  "Go in God's peace" that represents the greatest "system" for success -- principles that respect our fellow man -- principles that, if followed, guarantee a peaceful and abundant life.

And, by the way, it's possible to find a place of peace like that Retreat Center.....even if it's in the middle of a football game or cleaning house with kids playing Nerf War games.  In our hearts and minds, we can "check-out" of the routine and experience that "peace that passes understanding".  Going to Him Who is our PRINCE OF PEACE -- anywhere and anytime -- we'll find Him there.  I KNOW!  I'm there right now!

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