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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My Plants Bend Toward the Sun

Day 294 of Photo Inspirations -- My Plants Bend Toward the Sun
I have two plants:  one that I received from my husband's funeral (almost 5 years old now) and the other I received when I spoke for a women's meeting on December 3rd, a year ago.  Both are thriving and flourishing which, of itself, is a miracle.  I have never been known to have "a green thumb" and most indoor plants didn't last too long under my care.  What amazes me about these two plants which I have in a very sunny spot in my home, is how they continue to grow toward the sun.  In fact, weekly, when I water them, I turn them around because they're BENT over toward the sun. Those plants are leaning towards the life-giving energy, even if they have to bend in a completely different direction.  What would have happened if the plants had never been turned?  A strong stem bent leaning in the wrong direction.  Crooked, leaning, and bent. The turning, the changing – always towards the sun gives the plants a strong base.  Growing towards the sun was the only plan that was truly life-giving.

What an amazing phenomenon.  Plants actually move all day, every day. They're very slow, but they're still moving.  Plants need sunlight to make food. They absorb sunlight through their leaves. Every day, their leaves follow the sun across the sky to get as much sunlight as possible.  The higher concentration of auxin (a plant hormone) on the shady side causes the plant cells on that side to grow more so it bends toward the light. Because light is the energy source for plant growth, plants have highly sensitive mechanisms for perceiving light.  At this point, I just have to look up to heaven and say, "Thanks, God!  You did that!"

I'm sure you already recognize where I'm going with my analogy today.  What are we bent toward in our lives? How often are we so bent on one way, our way, or no way?  No turning, no changing, and maybe even not realizing we are growing away from the SON -- our LIFE-GIVING source?  But, I like to think that every day, I'm thriving and flourishing because "my bent" is toward THE SON -- the greatest of all LIGHTS.  I need Him for my peace, my comfort, my joy.  I want to absorb His  love and light into my very being.  And the higher concentration of Him in my life, the more of Him I will want.   He is my energy source for growing to be more and more like Him --  kinder, sweeter, more peaceful, more grateful, more joyful.

John 8:12:  “I am the LIGHT of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.

I believe the key to flourishing and growing is BENDING toward HE Who is our Light.  And, the more of His concentrated power and presence we receive from our BENT toward Him, the more we will grow, flourish and bear fruit.

Psalm 92:12-14 promises it:   "The righteous will FLOURISH like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord,
they will FLOURISH in the courts of our God.  They will still BEAR FRUIT in old age, they will stay fresh and green."

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