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Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Day 295 of Photo Inspirations -- Patience is HANGING LOOSE!
This photo inspiration is from my trip to Hawaii and everywhere I went they were using the hand gesture that means "Hang Loose".  It is so refreshing to see how relaxed they are there.  So many of us here on the mainland are in such a hurry to get from Point A to Point B that we don't even notice the beauty of the day.  We're in such a rush to get to our next appointment that we don't stop to thank a store clerk for their service or to ask someone how their day is going. It's time for us to SLOW DOWN and BREATHE.  I know that the fast-paced lives we live keeps us feeling like we need to rush here and there. So why is it such a work-out to have patience?

First of all, patience goes against our human nature.  When a baby wakes up in the middle of the night and is  hungry, he doesn't lie there and think, "I know mommy and daddy are tired, so I'll just wait until a more convenient time to let them know that I'm hungry."  NO! That baby cries impatienty and contiues to cry until he receives the attention he demands.  

Secondly, we have the weeds of pride, selfishness and anger that can easily choke out the quality of patience.  And it's revealed when the cable TV goes out again or there's long lines at the grocery store.  Were you ever the one that honked at a guy at a traffic light whose car had stalled and he was frantically trying to get it started?  And the chorus of honking horns made matters even worse for him.

Thirdly, patience is contrary to our culture, and that's what I meant in my opening paragraph.  We don't live in a relaxed culture.  Having had the opportunity to travel to third world countries, I know they have very different lifestyles.  They're more laid back.  They think, "Whatever happens, happens.  It'll be all right."  They have the "Don't worry. Be happy" mindset.  And they wonder why we're so uptight.  It's because we're on a fast track.  The more conveniences we have, it seems we become even more impatient.  We're in a world of high tech and fastest is best when it comes to appliances, electronics, cars, traveling, AND cooking.  

But God wants us to grow the quality of patience.  It comes with the Fruit of the Spirit -- so if God lives in us, we already have it inside of us.  What a more beautiful, peaceful, comfortable, relaxed life we can have when PATIENCE becomes a "must have".  Being patient is evidence of our trust and faith in our Heavenly Father.

James 1:4 "......for when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete."

Matthew 7:16 "You will know them by their fruit"

I pray today for patience for you and I – in small situations at work, at home, on the road – and for patience in the bigger circumstances that surround us. In your waiting and seeking, may God's peace and courage fill you with hope.......AND patience!

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