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Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Sweetest Kisses Last Forever

 Day 296 of Photo Inspirations -- The Sweetest Kisses Last Forever
#TBT So in looking through my photo archives, I came across these photos of sweet little kisses, from my sweetheart and I, to kissing our grandchildren, to our kids kissing each other.
Oh what precious memories those photos evoked! Thank you for indulging me once again on my life journey memories.  I wouldn't at all blame you if you just couldn't take yet one more photo of the Wuerch Family. Facebook is so awesome in providing space for journaling and celebrating memories. I just can't help myself. It's the stuff that brings so my joy to my life.

I googled to see what the benefits of kissing might be and I was quite amused when I googled "sweet kisses".  BTW -- if you don't know how to plant a good kiss, you'll find instructional YouTube videos that will show you how.
If only I'd had those videos when my sweetheart and I had our first "preplanned" kiss.  He called me and said, "Let's meet behind the church (after church) on Sunday night!"  We met and he threw me back in one of those Clark Gable kind of holds and kisses, and I got his breath mint in my mouth. LOL!  Sweet and fond memory.

But the best I found about "sweet" kissing was the benefits of kissing a baby.  I could have written that article because I can vouch that there are no sweeter kisses on earth than kissing a baby.  I think that's because they still have heaven's scent on them.  I found out that the beneficial aspects of holding a baby so close that he/she can hear your heart, to feel your warmth and your soft kisses actually has many health and psychological benefits!

Among them, a study published by Hendrie and Bower in the research journal Medical Hypotheses posited that kissing is a biological behavior which helps boost immunity and controls exposure to infection.  

AND, there are other benefits, as found by a psychologist at Lafayette College, of a link between kissing and decreasing cortisol levels, suggesting that kissing can actually decrease stress, which in turn, can help keep you healthier!    And, kissing is great for your emotional heart, your physical heart, and the heart you carry outside of your body.

I know "they say" that we're in the flu season and we should steer clear of passing germs around, but, on the other hand -- which would be worse -- a case of the flu, or missing out on the sweet love we receive and are able to give to those we love so dearly?

You're welcome!  This "kissing" commercial was brought to you by a Nana, Mom, Daughter and Friend that loves to express my love and appreciation --sometimes it's a kiss and sometimes it's a hug -- but either way, expessing our delight and joy in loving and caring just might make their day!  I know it sure makes mine!   Perhaps, someone in your world could use a kiss or a hug today!

I remember this statement from my school days..."Kissing spreads germs the doctors have stated......but kiss me, Babe, I'm vaccinated!

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