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Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Best TREAT Ever

 Day 298 of Photo Inspirations -- The Best TREAT Ever
Once upon a time there was a beautiful lady named Molly who fell in love with a handsome man named David.  They were happily married for many years and then on October 31st, God gave this happy couple a precious gift from heaven.  It wasn't a pumpkin or a ghost or a goblin, or any other TRICK. They must have been very, very good because He gave them a very special TREAT!  And their TREAT was a precious little baby girl who they named “Lydia".  “Lydia” means “worshipper of God“!  And true to her name, she has been, and is, a true worshipper of God.  You'll find her at any given time with her Bible in hand -- reading and praying for her family and friends.

This precious lady, "Mom", means the world to me, because were it not for her, my life would have never been filled with such love, joy, and happiness from having her son as my precious husband. I celebrate her and her life of giving, loving, and caring for so many. She has been a true gift to all who know her. She has left her mark on so many lives, including mine. Though she is actually my mother-in-law, it has always been so natural to call her "Mom", because she's always treated me like a daughter. She loved me when I was just 12 years old and has continued to love me, support me, pray for me and encourage me all these years.

I know there's lots of funny, and often "catty" remarks about"mother-in-laws".  That's too bad, because if it weren't for our in-laws we would never have been blessed with our sweethearts.  We need to appreciate them, respect them, honor them and give them our gratitude.  And, isn't that the kind of "in-law" we want to be for our children's and grandchildren's spouses?

On this 93rd birthday of Lydia Wuerch, I pay special tribute to a beautiful, thoughtful and devoted Mom, Granny and friend to so many.  God must have loved us so much, that He gave her to us as the best TREAT ever.  I celebrate this special day, I honor her with my greatest devotion and thanksgiving to God for her life, her continual prayers for us for so many years and for the living example she is of knowing God, His faithfulness and His love.  Happy "93rd" Birthday, Mom!

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