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Sunday, November 1, 2015

This is the Day the Lord Has Made

THIS IS THE DAY the Lord has made!   It was God's from the beginning and it is still the DAY He made -- so let's be joyful in it!

I've watched my newsfeed this morning, I've seen countless photos of cute little kids all ready to go on their first Trick or Treating experience, lots of photos of Halloweens past and some quite spooky costumes donned by fun-loving grown ups.  I know they are all decked out for the holiday fun.

Not to take away any fun from anyone, but the older I get, and the closer and more intimate I've become with my Savior, the sweeter and more peaceful my journey has become.  Oh, how precious that is to me in this season of my life.  I steer clear of darkness -- and I'm consistently drawn to THE LIGHT.  So in writing this post, it's not to judge anyone's personal convictions, but I just feel I must share mine.

When I was a child, Halloween was one of the two days a year that we got lots of candy (Easter being the other). I would usually dress up in some  homemade costume -- like a hobo or my pj's -- none were ever store bought and I and a friend would go door-to-door "soliciting" in our neighborhood.Yes, I went trick or treating as a child and yes, I turned out alright. However, our world around us has changed drastically since I was a child.  

My church always had a Fall Harvest parties where we'd go all dressed up in "fun" -- not gory or sinister -- costumes.

We took our kids trick or treating -- it was my husband's and my goal to help them bring in as much loot as possible. They only knew Halloween meant fun dressing up and getting lots of goods.

But over the years I've become more aware of the origins of Halloween and have become more troubled in my heart about this "fun" day.  So much so, that I steer clear of Halloween festivities that celebrate this day.  I'm posting this because God's Word has transformed my life, so much so that I truly determine to be His fully devoted follower in every way.  I'm simply sharing these words for you to ponder and consider as you celebrate this day with your sweet, innocent and precious family.

Whether you celebrate this day with your family as a Fall Harvest or go door to door trick or treating, study to show yourselves approved to give your family the best, most blessed options.  Perhaps it may open the door for you to discuss the origins of tricks, treats, witches and jack-o-lanterns as well as the abundant incredible life that comes from our Savior!  If you're celebrating today, know what you're celebrating......celebrate LIFE!

1 Thessalonians 5:22  "Abstain from every form of evil."

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