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Sunday, November 1, 2015

We Rejoiced BIG Time on This Day That the Lord Made

Day 299 of Photo Inspirations -- We Rejoiced BIG Time on This Day That the Lord Made!
Yesterday was packed full of Girl time, Granny time and Nana time.  These photos are from a fun packed day that started with my girls coming in on Friday night (the boys were hanging out in College Station for the Texas A&M game -- Go Aggies!).  Then the first thing Saturday morning, we headed to Mom's (Granny's) to give her a birthday surprise of the girls being in town to celebrate her birthday with her.  After hugs and kisses, then Staci took the opportunity to share Granny's birthday with the world as she interviewed her on "Periscope" (another new technology app where you can do a live feed that is seen worldwide if viewers have that app and are online at the time).  Staci videoed Granny and interviewed her for the viewers. Here is excerpts:

Staci:  As a Pastor's wife for over 50+ years, on this your 93rd birthday, can you give us your top 3 leadership tips?
Granny:  #1 --It's very simple.  Do not be selfish and think about yourself all the time.  It's about helping the woman and man and children who have no one to encourage them and praise them and lift them up.  I love to help people.  #2 -- Say to yourself -- "me, myself and I have to go back here (she pointed backwards) -- there's too many out there that need attention".   I'm going to encourage them.  #3  I say, "Lord, I don't have time for myself like I should because I'm too busy helping others.  So I say "Lord, you're gonna' have to help me, because I'm too busy helping others to take care of me!"

She had people from Turkey, Brazil, India, Russia, Argentina, and all over the U.S. -- over 150 more viewers -- many that gave comments that we saw on-screen.  And many others giving "heart likes".   They all loved her and were so inspired by her zest for life. A 16 year old posted, "I wish people my age could hear your wisdom today." Staci and Granny continued:

Staci:  Someone wants to know what you think about rap music?
Granny:  It's not my favorite.  I love worship.  I love to sing to the Lord.
Staci:  Someone is asking what your favorite memory is.
Granny:  We were 12 kids in the family.  We played together.  We worshipped together.  Our mom and dad read the Bible to us.  We were happy.  We didn't have much, but we didn't need much. It's not about things.
Staci:  Granny, people are being so blessed to see you today.
Granny:  I am having a worldwide revival.
Staci:  Someone is asking you how you feel.
Granny:  (Jumping up to her feet and exclaimed) Great.  Yay!

Staci:  What is the last thing you want to say today?
Granny:  We must keep our eyes on God.  People are too busy today.  The Bible says that God says "Be still and know that I am God.  I want to talk to you.  Slow down so you can hear me."

While the rest of our day was spent having fun girl time -- shopping, eating out, going to the Pumpkin Patch (my special request) -- nothing compared to this little precious, keepsake memory of a sweet saint's birthday that was shared with the world.  We thought about how she and Dad pastored for many years, and today, she carried on "preaching the good news".  While the day for some was about all the ghosts and goblins.......she got to spread THE LIGHT.  No wonder she's been such a LIGHT to so many for so many yea


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