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Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Butterflies are Dancing....Are You?

Day 284 of Photo Inspirations -- The Butterflies are Dancing!!
I've been amazed at the number of butterflies I've seen over the last couple of weeks.  I'll admit I'm not a butterfly enthusiast that plants foliage just to attract butterflies, but now they are attracting ME. I would think it were Springtime instead of Fall.  They are so light and free and FAST!  It seems like they're dancing on air!

We've all read butterfly transformation anaologies where they go from a caterpillar to a cocoon to a butterfly and how we, in our lives transform from  death to life -- our emerging to be all God destined us to be.  We've all been through metamorphosis -- where we had to go through lots of physical, spiritual, and mental changes.  But I love the "ARRIVED" stage the most -- when our wings have developed and we can take flight and DANCE  -- just like the butterflies.  Then, like them, our dance reflects joy and freedom from worry or concern, from the questions:  "Why? When? Where?"

I'll never forget when my husband was going in for an emergency surgery to remove a tumor that had taken over his vertabrae and was impinging on his spinal cord.  It was a really big deal -- his nuero surgeon said it was one of the three most serious and life-threatening surgeries EVER.  But, even with the seriousness of it all, what I remember most was the peace that passed understanding that God had given us, that we were experiencing that morning.  We just knew God was in control so we could be lighthearted and free of worry.  We went into the pre-op room to get him ready for the surgery and we looked up at the ceiling and there were butterflies, and if that didn't cause even more care-free and care-less walks the nurse with a butterfly jacket on.  The message was loud and clear...."DANCE as if you don't have a care in the world."

Like the butterflies that are on wing and dancing around right now at this time of year, that is what our hearts were doing back then in that hospital room.  We knew, like those butterflies, that transformation and resurrection was taking place in us.  They reminded us to let go of worry or concern, and be free to dance with lightness and joy....right in the middle of our circumstances.

Butterflies continue to remind us to get up and move, for if we don't move, we cannot dance. We're all going through transition and transformation -- in one way or another -- from one age to another, from one season to another, from one stage of life to another.  It is only through exertion that we emerge into who we will be next.   We know it's time for a change and the need for courage to break free from our "cocoons".
I can only prove the freedom we felt during some of the toughest and most challenging times of our lives by telling you -- it's worth it to DANCE -- to break free from worry and doubt, and just trust that our Creator has the best possible outcome in mind -- so why should we worry or fret?  Let's just DANCE!

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