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Friday, October 16, 2015

What Are the Voices in Your Head Saying?

Day 284 of Photo Inspirations -- What Are the Voices in Your Head Saying?
We've all got them.  Little, and sometime BIG voices, talking to us in our heads.  They're either saying "You've got this! You're courageous! You're strong! You're a winner!" Or they're saying "Forget it.  Give up!  You're too weak. You're afraid. You hurt too much.   You can't do this!"  And then we either take the positive words we hear and react in a "CAN DO" way, or we listen to the negative words and retreat, give up and throw in the towel.

A dear friend posted the following yesterday. It resonated with me.  It spoke volumes about NEVER GIVING UP -- thus my photo inspiration for this day!

"It must be my week for the power of our words! Two days ago as my Junior High team and I ran a distance run, one of my runners was struggling, and out of breath, he uttered, "Coach Wolf, I can't run anymore!  It hurts!" To which I replied, "No, those are the wrong words!  Repeat after me - 'I am strong!'" and he echoed, "I am strong." And again - "I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me!" "I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me!" And we kept this up until we finally reached the end of our training period - speaking life over ourselves. Then yesterday in the 2-mile time trial, he ran very well!    After congratulating him, he said with a huge smile, "I said the words over and over in my head - 'I am strong, I am courageous, I can do this' - and I did!"

How many times do we hear the voice of defeat, frustration, or that we're not valuable?   It's time to stop listening to the negative voices, and start speaking life into our circumstances, into our family and into us!"

Now....Coach Holy Spirit is saying to us today....."Repeat after me.....'I am strong, I am courageous, I can do this!"

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