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Saturday, November 21, 2015

All Grown Up, But Still a Kid

Day 318 of Photo Inspirations -- All Grown Up, But Still a Kid
I came from a middle class family.  We didn't have much, but we had all we needed.  We knew love -- but by no means did we know royalty and wealth, or the social graces that went along with it.   But, then, one day, I came into a royal family.....the Family of God -- where now I'm UPPER class -- not as a result of merit or anything I earned, or was born into, but I was adopted into this marvelous Family of God.  It was simply because I asked to come in, and because I believed the Father of this royal family has a very special Son, Who paid a hefty price for me to be welcomed into the family.  I didn't have to pay my way in -- I just had to believe in HIS royal family.  And, guess what YOU'VE been invited into the FAMILY, too!  The invitation goes out to "Whoever believes in HIM....."

By the way, I'm all grown up now, but there are no adults in the family. Father God only has children. Adults complicate things.  They try to figure out what's next, how, why, where and when.  Kids just say "Okay!"  They just believe.  I believed.  Stuff happens.  No problem.  My Father has everything under control.  And, He keeps telling us to "Be like children" who just believe.

I was doing some holiday baking on Thursday and, like I do from time-to-time, while I'm cooking, I'll have the Hallmark Channel on and I watch one of their sweet and tender movies.  This one was about some children whose Mom and Dad had died in an automobile accident and the very wealthy grandfather (who they had never met) asked them to come see him at his royal mansion in England. Once they were there, they had all the privileges that their lineage provided -- sitting at the Grandfather's table, eating the best of foods, wearing the royal clothes provided by the grandfather, being served by the maids and butlers.  They didn't even know this Grandfather before, but all their lives, royalty was waiting for them.  But, to live in the Grandfather's home, they had to change some of their rough ways.  And they did, because they wanted to please the Grandfather.  And when they pleased him, he just kept pouring on the blessings to them.

Once we come into the royal Family of God, we should have a hard time being disobedient children. If we daily make a purpose to NOT disappoint our Heavenly Father, He'll keep pouring His blessings on us.  If we abide in Him, and His Word abides in us, then we'll have a hard time messing up.  We just don't want to take a chance on disappointing our Father.

Still, I have disappointed Him.  But when I did, His grace flowed out to me.  His nature IS love and grace. It's going to be Christmas in just a few weeks, and if we gave our kids a gift, we would never want them to turn to us and say, "What do I owe you for this?"   No, we would simply say to them, "I so love you and want to bless you."

The man in the movie had to discipline those grandkids from time to time for being naughty.  And there's also a judgment side to God, but if we obey Him, we'll never see it.  There's a judgment side to us, but if our kids obey us, they'll never see that judgment.

Today, our Heavenly Father has His arms open wide to His naughty or nice kids out there.  He's ready to bless them.  He's ready to invite them to sit at His royal table and feast and dine with Him.  It's ours for the taking.  Now let's throwt our hands up in the air and shout out, "CHOOSE ME!"

1 John 3:1  "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us, is that it did not know Him."

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