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Sunday, November 22, 2015

No Need to Run for Ron -- He's Got This!

Day 328 of Photo Inspirations -- No Need to Run For Ron -- He's Got This!

Yesterday, for the 5th year in a row, I ran for Ron at the Route 66 Williams Marathon -- 5K. These photo inspirations are each year's photo, 2010 to yesterday's. In between those years, I did two Route 66 Half Marathons, another Half in Vancouver, BC and another in OKC, and the rest were 5Ks. The 5Ks are where I am right now, but that's not to say, I won't do another Half -- just nursing a leg injury from when I climbed Mt. Everest last summer. NOT! Just nursing a leg injury from two silly falls I had earlier in the year. Sure would have been more glamorous and impressive if I had been doing some audacious out loud feat. LOL!

Doing this run every year has meant so much to me. The first one was planned when my Sweetheart could no longer move his legs because of the tumor that was impinging on his spinal cord. He couldn't run, but we could, Staci was inspired to get the word out about a "Movement of Gratitude". She let our friends and family know: "Dad has no choice but to lie in that bed. Yet our legs are strong and fully able! We need to get in that race and give thanks for what God has given us and get moving.”

So one year ago, yesterday (two days after my Sweetheart's funeral), November 21st, 2010, over 25 of us showed up with our red "Run for Ron" t-shirts. It was the 5th 26.2 mile marathon in 55 days that our son, Ryan, ran, but this time, in honor of his dad. Our oldest grandson, Braden, ran the half-marathon (13.1 mile). The rest of us started our 5K run/walk at 8 am. We were all running/walking with such passion -- so appreciative that we could.

Once we completed our 5K, we rushed to cheer for Braden as he crossed the Finish Line from his half marathon in his personal best time ever. He told me that he felt his Papa pushing him all the way.

When we went to meet up with Ryan at Mile 16 to cheer him on, a call came in, "a man had passed out just in front him". What marathon runners don't do is stop running mid-way through a marathon as it seizes up their legs, but, nevertheless, Ryan stopped to help him. When it was apparent he was unconscious, Ryan held his feet and prayed while others were performing CPR for over 16 minutes. He stayed until the ambulance took the man away. Later we found out the 27-year old man passed away during that time. We knew it was providence that Ryan was there, and even that my Honey was probably at Heaven's gate to greet him when he reached the other side. We cheered for Ryan as he crossed the Finish Line -- not his best time because of the delay -- but God's best time, which IS the BEST time.

I was interviewed by the Tulsa World newspaper reporter about our "Run for Ron". As an exclamation point to our efforts, that article and photo ran in the paper the next day.

Yesterday, running with my friend, brought back sweet memories of these Runs for Ron. But I sensed a message from heaven as we ran. "It's time to stop Running for Ron. He's doing just fine running on his own now. He is no longer in pain and he even has a perfect back, perfect legs, and a perfect body in heaven." I agree. But, I will keep running. I'll do the Route 66 again next year. It's time I celebrate that I'm still here and I can be strong to Run for Donna and finish my OWN RACE! It's time to look straight ahead to what I expect to be MY BEST DAYS on earth!"

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

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