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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gratitude for Simple Pleasures

Day 329 of Photo Inspirations -- Gratitude for Simple Pleasures
During this Thanksgiving week, we express gratitude for those things that money affords -- like our homes, cars, clothes, food, electronics, appliances and all those THINGS that add to our comfort.  But at the end of the day, those precious treasures that money can't my Gratitude List.  The Simple Pleasures.

Of course, the simple yet most profound blessings I have are my sweet family.  Thanksgiving brings them home.  This week, it's in segments.  Yesterday, I picked up my daughter's two at Victory Christian Center's Camp Victory in Mannford where they had been with their church's youth group for the last 3 days.  I retrieved them since this is Thanksgiving week, instead of their going back home on the bus with the group.  They were talking a mile a minute about their weekend.  Great fun on Go Karts, zip lines, dodge ball, and lots of other games, but most of their excitement was from being a part of radical life transformation moments during the praise and worship (Payton played the piano with the band) and ministry about God's love for them.  The youth were all so impacted by God's presence in such beautiful, tender ways.  I remember that it was a Youth Camp that I gave my heart to the Lord.  I understand those precious and intimate times of growing closer to Him with my peers.  I was so touched by the joy my grandkids exuded.  SIMPLE, yet profound pleasures.

After crashing for about 4 hours from lack of sleep (simple pleasures), we headed to Great Granny's. Payton, excited to show Nana his driving skills (he got his driver's permit last month), drove us.   He was excited to point out that the ceiling at Granny's he always tried to he's so tall, it's easy-peasy.  Simple Pleasures.   Little Anna (great niece) was there -- loves seeing the kids getting off the school bus.  Simple pleasures. Then it was "Granny's Chocolate Cake Making Training" for Bryson's BD party tonight.   Simple Pleasures.

Last evening, the boys and Shawntel made it in.  (The rest get here on Wednesday.)  We had dinner, BD cake and then played a fun game that big Bear (Barrett) taught us. Simple pleasures.  Then we headed to the clubhouse to play pickleball and pool.  Lots of fun was packed into this first day of Thanksgiving Week.  There are beds everywhere in my house, including the two youngest bedded down in Nana's closet.   Simple pleasures.

It won't be long before all these kids will be grown up with families of their own.  Yes, I'm so grateful for the blessings of  "simple pleasures" -- family and friends that keep reminding me that the greatest blessings on earth come without a price tag.

This is the time for counting our blessings, noticing simple pleasures.  It means learning to live our lives as if everything were a miracle, and being aware on a continuous basis of how much we've been given. Gratitude even shifts our focus from what our life lacks to the abundance of what we already have.  Maybe, the best prescription we could take to dispel the common "woe-is-me" attitude is to offer thanksgiving for the "simple pleasures".  We just might be re-energized, have new vitality and excitement for this beautiful life that is made up of "simple pleasures"!  Mine starts again today --  in a big way when all these munchkins wake up in just a little while, and we head out for Bryson's Birthday Treasure Hunt.  We'll be celebrating so many "simple pleasures" throughout this day.  Yes, it's the simple pleasures that mean so much!

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