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Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Day 308 of Photo Inspirations -- JUST DO IT!
Yesterday's Bible Study was on the Fruit of the Spirit's quality of Faithfulness.   What does "faithfulness" look like to you?  If God is our standard for faithfulness, then we have a lot to measure up to.  Just the thought of His faithfulness, overwhelms me.  He never gives up on us.  He's ALWAYS there for us. We never have to question His fidelity, loyalty and integrity.  He just DOES IT!

Nike's slogan "Just Do It" is a good slogan for Faithfulness -- just doing it -- the right thing -- no matter what.  Doing it regardless of feelings, moods or desires.  

Of course, we look to God for His strength on a daily basis.  Every day we're tempted to give excuses for NOT DOING IT.  We're tired, so we say “I can’t do it.”  We're just plain lazy, so we say, "I don’t want to do it."  We're feeling hopeless, so we say, "It doesn’t matter if I do it.  Why try?"  We procrastinate, so we say, “I’ll do it later."  We rationalize that we don't need to do it, so we say, "Someone else will do it."  We're apathetic to it all, so we say, “I don’t care if I do it."   We're rebellious, so we say, "I won't do it!"
Let’s bring it home.  What are the true marks of faithfulness that we want to bear and emulate with a JUST DO IT attitude:

We follow through…on whatever we have to do and we finish it.
We come through….no matter what.
We deliver the goods…..a borrowed cup of sugar.or a finished project.
We show up…..even early so others won’t worry.
We keep our word….our 'yes' means yes and our 'no' means no
We keep our commitments and appointments….we don't cancel.
We are regular church attenders......we don’t neglect worshipping our FAITHFUL God.
We are devoted to fidelity, loyalty, integrity and honor in friendships and marriage.
We live by the Golden Rule and the 10 Commandments.  

We may stumble from time to time, but we don’t stay down for long -- for we are faithful and devoted followers of Christ.  One day we’ll be rewarded because of our FAITHFULNESS and we'll hear these beautiful words: ‘Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant! You have been FAITHFUL with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:21


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