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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

You Are Loved.....Don't Give Up

Day 309 of Photo Inspirations -- You Are Loved.....Don't Give Up
Some things just don't change.....but wouldn't it be great if they did? The first two kids, Cain and Abel, birthed from the first two parents, couldn't get along.  In fact their sibling rivalry led to the death of Abel.  Fast forward to Jacob, the dad, and Joseph, his son (his favorite son -- okay, that's already screaming "TROUBLE").  Why would a dad ever favor one of his kids over the other?  But he did, and little Joseph became the target of his 10 brothers -- to not just bully him, but to kill him. Fortunately, their evil plot was thwarted.

But people issues -- judging, bullying, gossiping, jealousy, arguing, etc. have been a part of humanity from the very beginning.  It's so unfortunate when we consider what all those "issues" do to people. That's why it's so important that we go to a higher level -- a place of love, concern, care and compassion for each other.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Luke 6:31
"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."  John 13:34

Maybe you're the one who is being judged and bullied, or lied about.  Here's the truth of the matter. YOU are loved!!    Don't let people get inside your head to make you think otherwise. You are loved and you are special!  God loves you so much and you are His masterpiece.  If you were the only person on earth, He would still have sent His one and only Son to pay the ultimate price for YOU. That's TRUE LOVE!  He took the high road.  It's time for us to take the high road, too.

Now, don't give up.....YOU ARE LOVED.  Watch this video of this beautiful song by Josh Groban...."You Are Loved.....Don't Give Up"

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