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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Not Just a Moment of Silence -- PRAY FOR PEACE

Day 317 of Photo Inspirations: Not Just a Moment of Silence -- PRAY FOR PEACE
We are in perilous times.  There are those who are consumed with fear because of the atrocities committed by our enemies, near and far.  I have friends who tell me their children are afraid, and they, themselves are living in fear about what this day and tomorrow may hold.  It's understandable. With the outbursts of violence around the world, no wonder people are afraid.  All of us could speak words of fear. "If this could happen in Paris, it could happen in our own cities."

All of us could speak words of anger, fear, hatred, and malice.  But I refuse to go there.  My hope is built on the SOLID ROCK.  When all the earth around me is sinking sand, on Christ the Solid Rock I stand.  When I need a shelter.  When I need a friend....I go to THE ROCK.   I know I am accused of being a Pollyanna in this "dirty, rotten world", because my outlook leans to optimism and GREAT expectation, but, never has it been more important than now for us to LOOK UP....for that's where our help comes from.   Our help comes from the Lord.  As Winston Churchill once said, "We have nothing to fear except fear itself."  

I appreciate it when the media and public officials, in honoring of a fallen soldier or victims of disasters, say "Let us have a 'Moment of Silence', but I think we need more than just a "Moment of Silence".  We need fervent, audacious, faith-filled, believing prayers that move mountains (enemies).

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."

Yes, we are engaged in war but the most strategic, powerful weapon against all the demonic forces out there is still PRAYER.  Our prayers can change the war on terror.

Let's pray relentlessly and ask God to do the fighting for us. He never loses, He is never wrong, and He never ignores the prayers of his people. Christians might be the most important weapon in the fight on terrorism.  

We are reminded all the more that as darkness becomes darker, it's the light of Jesus that must become brighter. It's His light that brings love, brings us peace, and brings us hope. It's in His name and His name alone that we see and find goodness and that’s why even in the face of tragic events we can boldly say, "God is good. All the time.”

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