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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Day 316 of Photo Inspirations -- These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Definitely not the feet in the beach picture, but a chilly morning, wearing my cozy robe and slippers, sitting in my favorite comfy chair, with the fireplace blazing, sipping on a hot cup of coffee and having sweet, peaceful times....just me and my Father God. Such bliss.  Yes, these are a few of my favorite things.

Okay -- let's get real!  I know that scenario must look and sound like Fantasyland for you moms and dads who hit the ground running.  You do good to get your teeth brushed and your "troll" hair back to normal so you don't startle your little ones before it's rushing to get their breakfast made and their lunches packed and then hustling everyone off to school or work.  And that's all in the first 15 minutes of your day.  The day may hold your job where your fast pace continues, and/or it's a packed-full day of housework, laundry, taxi service, bills paying, meals preparing, etc.

I know that pace -- been there and done it with my kids and even my grandkids.  One day, you, too, will have earned this calmer, more stable and relaxed place of casually....getting your day going.

This quiet place is where I get some of my best inspirations.  That's where this post today comes from -- a peaceful, noise-free place.  But I know it's also possible during the times of craziness to find a secret place -- maybe a closet or even the bathroom.  Lock the door, even for 5 minutes to "chill" and listen.  God's still small voice is there to settle you down and whisper His profound love into your ears.  When you acknowledge Him at some point of your day, I promise you -- you'll recognize Him throughout your day.  Those times when you almost forgot to do something and then you recall it before it's too late or that extra ingredient in the recipe that you almost forgot to add, but didn't, or you're just pulling out of your driveway and you remembered your cell phone or book or deposit you needed to take with you.  Those are those "Thanks, God!  I know you reminded me!"

Having these little quiet times of dedicated focus on God (acknowledgeing Him) is like a divine roto rooter that clears the passageways for entry of God's voice that brings clarity into your thinking.

So whether you have a cozy spot like mine, or it's a bathroom stall at work.....go there for R & R (refilling and refocusing) on Him whose got all the answers AND the bases covered for you!

Jeremiah 29:12 "Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will hear you."

Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."

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