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Sunday, November 8, 2015

What if Blessings Come From Raindrops?

Day 306 of Photo Inspirations -- What If Blessings Come From Raindrops?
I loved hearing Laura Story's story.  There’s no denying some of the blessings in her life. She wrote the No. 1 worship hit “Indescribable” recorded by Chris Tomlin, married a handsome athlete the next year, and began working in music and women’s ministry at the 4,000-member Perimeter Church in Atlanta. Her national debut won a Dove Award for Inspirational album and earned Laura two consecutive nominations for Female Vocalist of the Year—all blessings, indeed.

But amid that success, a brain tumor hospitalized her husband that he continues to battle today. The faith Laura sang about was put through the unexpected fires of fear as her husband had to be on breathing machines and he had significant post-operative vision and memory loss. She said, "I spent my whole life singing,  'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,' but until Jesus took me through something where my only option was to trust Him, I didn't really know that sweetness.  It's hard to understand why God would allow us to go through this, but I know He works all things together for good.  Though He leads us through valleys, that's when we get to trust Him and draw closer to Him all the more. Though I've doubted, His grasp has never released, never slipped. He's remained completely faithful to me. He has proven that He really is my foundation and my hope."

She went on to say, "I'd like to tell those of you who are in really tough times.... "God will fix your situation.  But, He just may not fix it.   Scripture doesn't promise we'll understand everything while we're on this side of heaven, but it does tell us the broken things in this life will find their greater purpose in His story of redemption.  God promises there is purpose for the pain we're going through.  He promises He's doing something greater when we don't understand it.  1 Peter 3:15 says "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."

I know what's she's saying. I've had to give reasons for the hope and peace I have.   During my husband's illness and his graduation to heaven, people would ask me,  "How can you have so much joy?"  And, like Laura, I'd say "My joy is found in Jesus.  It's not found in my circumstances.  I can't guarantee things will get better.  But I can guarantee I'M going to get better.  Life isn't all good....but God promises He will work it ALL together FOR GOOD for those who love Him. (Romans 8:28).

I urge you to listen to this beautiful song, written and sung by Laura.   Perhaps it's a "rainy" season in your world today -- this song just may give you the encouragement you need to realize that though it might be raining, God's plans  include the SUN shining again and you will COME BACK stronger, wiser, and more joy-filled, if you let Him fill you up with His goodness and mercy.  What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

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