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Saturday, November 7, 2015

It's Not Broken -- Just Wrong Programming

Day 305 of Photo Inspirations -- It's Not Broken -- Just Wrong Programming
One of the women in my community was running on the clubhouse treadmill and it started picking up speed -- a lot of speed -- and she nearly fell before she could get it to stop.   About the same time, someone else said another one of the treadmills had an "issue" also.   So we put "Out of Order" signs on them and called the Nordic Track technician to come out to repair them.  He took a look at both of them -- and found that neither were broken, but both had "wrong" programming.  He said the users had done some pretty crazy programming on them, thus our resident's almost-accident..

That incident gave me inspiration for today's post.

We could be going about our daily routines -- coasting along -- business as usual.  When, all of a sudden, our world feels like it's out of control and can't seem to stop the all-too-fast pace we are keeping.  We realize we're about to lose it.....and we know we MUST push the STOP button, or we'll crash and burn.   When we stop, we realize something was wrong, and perhaps like our treadmills......something went haywire with our programming.

God created us as powerful, fully equipped, state-of-the-art "machines" that have everything we need to perform at full capacity, but occasionally "stuff" happens that causes our programming to become dysfunctional.   If we desire to be victorious, strong, confident, faith-filled, optimistic and always ready to run our race with vigor and vitality, we have to keep up with maintenance checks -- to be sure we're programmed for efficiency.  If that programming starts malfunctioning -- eg. negative thoughts  like inadequacy, weakness, lack of self esteem, stinkin' thinkin', poverty mentality, failing or quitting thoughts, inferiority -- time to update our programming and have a tune-up....from the neck up.   Our thinking probably needs to be reprogrammed.  .

Our Master Technician's instruction manual (The Bible) has great standards for us to operate at best performance.  And, it gives us all the basics we need to "Troubleshoot", "Reboot" and  "Reprogram".  Once we apply this technique -- we'll be guaranteed to continue to run with full out efficiency and success.  Here's one of the BEST peak performance tips:

Joshua 1:8 "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

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