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Friday, November 6, 2015

Try a Little Kindness

Day 304 of Photo Inspirations -- Try a Little Kindness
Remember Glen Campbell's song from the 70's --  "Try a Little Kindness"?
If you see your brother standing by the road,
With a heavy load from the seeds he sowed.
And if you see your sister falling by the way,
Just stop and say you're goin' the wrong way.
You've got to try a little kindness, yes, show a little kindness.
Yes, shine your light for everyone to see.
And if you'll try a little kindness, and you'll overlook the blindness,
Of the narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets.

I was reminded of that song yesterday when I walked into Wal-Mart and passed the Redbox kiosk with this $1.00 in a plastic baggie taped to it, with a note that said "Enjoy a movie.  Pay it forward!"  I loved it.  I stood back and saw several people check out the note and keep on moving.  I'm sure they were like me and figured -- "give it to someone who needs the dollar".

That's just a small example of kindness. It really seems that kindness and generosity have gone to a whole new level in our world. I love seeing the generosity of people who do random acts of kindness like those who pay for the meal of the car behind them in the drive through line, or who stop to help someone with a flat tire, or who leave a little "extra" tip for their waitress.

I'm still teaching a Bible Study on the Fruit of the Spirit and this last week's lesson was about the quality of Kindness -- so of course seeing this Redbox "kindness" reemphasized how it works.  When we genuinely care about people, we find ourselves paying attention to what might bless them.  We might even think about their circumstances and become concerned about their welfare.  We're willing to get involved in their lives.  As our love grows, the details of their lives become more and more important to us.  It begins to really matter to us if they are sad or discouraged, struggling or in pain, needy or lonely.  Caring about others sure does eliminate unfriendliness, a lack of compassion, and a judgmental spirit.  So we need to ask God to help us have greater love and compassion for others.

A sure sign that our concern for people is growing is when we find ourselves looking at people and thinking, “What would help her?  What would help him?  What does he need?  What does she need?”  We might even ask God, “How can I serve this person? How can I make his or her life easier?

Let's TRY A LITTLE KINDNESS today......perhaps our kindness might just be what someone needs to change their dark world to light and bright!

Ephesians 4:31-32 “ Stop being mean, bad-tempered, and angry. Quarreling, harsh words, and dislike of others should have no place in your lives. Instead, be KIND to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another..."

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